Posts by: Floyd Getchell

9 April 2013

Greetings and sorry about the long absence! I guess that my mind had wandered into a dark place and I was having a hard time struggling out of it. I knew that I was depressed but was unable work my way out. I actually came through it by reading the first three books in Edgar…

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17 March 2013

Tired does not begin to describe how I feel right now. Didn’t sleep well and had to get up very early which was followed by a long frustrating day! Core is making forward progress and will probably the next novel I look to completing after I finish the first installment of Pilgrim’s Trail which itself is…

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11 March 2013

I left my laptop at work yesterday and wrote a quite a bit on my older work Core. It was very interesting to read the piece to get reacquainted with it. When I began writing it in 2011 I had not read Princess of Mars or seen the movie John Carter, while my plot is very different and based…

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7 Mar 2013

All is right in the Universe. My Universe anyway. The Universe that I created for Pilgrim’s Trail hit a snag as scientists discovered planets in Tau Ceti that were contrary to the ones that I made up. I have adjusted the solar system to fit the discoveries without a major rewrite. Knowing a thing or two…

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3 Mar 2013

Sometimes discovery outdistances the writer. When I started writing Pilgrim’s Trail last summer humanity doubted that there were any planets surrounding one of the nearest stars, Tau Ceti. So I wrote about that solar system explaining how it had eight planets that were equal distant from the Tau Ceti Sun rotating at a perpendicular angle to…

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Different Bend 24 FEB 13

I have remained silent for the most part recently with the mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elem. and the resultant panic buying of firearms by almost everyone in the country. This is my website however so I can say whatever the hell I want! First, please realize that NONE of the proposed Legislation would have…

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Pilgrim’s Trail 20 Feb 13

Major change in the story that I am surprised that I did not think of sooner and those of you that know me will be surprised too! Hero protagonist Hank Paulson is no longer a Marshal but the service has been changed to Rangers! LOL So now Hank is a Ranger! The story progresses, I…

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The New Web Site!

Devin Miller has done an outstanding job creating a very professional webpage for me! Thanks man! You can get hold of him through this page to help you create yours. He has done an excellent job educating me on how this stuff works, old dog new tricks, and I am sure he will be willing…

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New Website!

Well the web page is about to move and from the look of things I am really excited. Those of you that asked will be rewarded with the RSS/Reader ability and it will be viewable in all browser formats! Yah, Devin my web guy! Everything is moving forward as I try to have my writing…

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Never Read Your Own Blog

Never read your own blog, you catch all the spelling errors, stupid things you said and it is narcissistic! LOL Pigrim’s Trail strives toward completion as it is close to crossing the 30,000 word threshold. This may sound odd but I have several stories that make about 20,000 words and then ‘lose their legs’ as…

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