9 Sep 13

Ordered the proofs of ‘Pilgrim’s Trail’ today for my Beta Readers, spent all of about 20 minutes on the cover art, I need to get off my butt and get someone to do my cover art! I want it to look like the classic covers from the 40’s and 50’s.

I continue to write ‘Casualties of War’ the working title for the sequel to ‘Pilgrim’s Trail’ as I write the dialogue for Isaac, the main android, I keep hearing his voice as that of Alan Tudyk who played Sonny in ‘I, Robot’

Reissued Capitulation and Worlds at War, they are now available again on Amazon and Kindle

I think that I am getting better as an author, the writing is sure coming easier. I have noticed that as I get closer to retirement from the Army I am beginning to write a little more desperately or maybe I am just understanding better what it takes to succeed, more writing!
